Andrew Allen

Project & Cartography Manager

Andrew Allen has been the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Cartography Manager at Backroad Mapbooks since 2003. He arrived at the company with a wealth of knowledge and passion for the practice of cartography. With a keen appreciation for traditional cartography as represented by Swiss and German cartographers, Andrew brings a refined precision to the work that he does.

“What’s exciting about our product,” Andrew says, “is that we can go hiking after work or on the weekend and go to these places that we map. I’m learning a lot about Canada in ways that I normally wouldn’t have.”

What drew you to a career in cartography?

I got lost and the map led me to cartography.

Favourite outdoor activity?

Biking to my hiking destination, which leads to my canoe, which will get me back to my bike.

If you could meet one person—dead or alive – who would it be?

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

Beer or wine? Good...

What’s your favourite thing about Backroad Mapbooks?

The maps of course.

Favourite sport to play? Ice hockey.

What is one product you can’t live without?

My Martin D-18.

Describe your ideal vacation.

Tropical beach on an isolated island.

Beatles or Stones? Beatles.

What BRMB product are you most looking forward to using and why?

The Backroad Mapbook in conjunction with the Backroad GPS Maps. Used together, it not only helps guide my adventure, as cartographer I get to map and edit the existing map art.

Project & Cartography Manager

Andrew Allen has been the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Cartography Manager at Backroad Mapbooks since 2003. He arrived at the company with a wealth of knowledge and passion for the practice of cartography. With a keen appreciation for traditional cartography as represented by Swiss and German cartographers, Andrew brings a refined precision to the work that he does.

“What’s exciting about our product,” Andrew says, “is that we can go hiking after work or on the weekend and go to these places that we map. I’m learning a lot about Canada in ways that I normally wouldn’t have.”

What drew you to a career in cartography?

I got lost and the map led me to cartography.

Favourite outdoor activity?

Biking to my hiking destination, which leads to my canoe, which will get me back to my bike.

If you could meet one person—dead or alive – who would it be?

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

Beer or wine? Good...

What’s your favourite thing about Backroad Mapbooks?

The maps of course.

Favourite sport to play? Ice hockey.

What is one product you can’t live without?

My Martin D-18.

Describe your ideal vacation.

Tropical beach on an isolated island.

Beatles or Stones? Beatles.

What BRMB product are you most looking forward to using and why?

The Backroad Mapbook in conjunction with the Backroad GPS Maps. Used together, it not only helps guide my adventure, as cartographer I get to map and edit the existing map art.