Sponsorship & Donations


As a Canadian company, we are proud to give back to the hundreds of communities that we research and explore. At Backroad Mapbooks, we know how much joy the beautiful Canadian outdoors provide, and we are always looking for ways to get involved. Whether it’s in the form of donating products to causes that support the community, sponsoring events or forming partnerships with businesses looking to sponsor our products, we are constantly reaching out and spreading our roots throughout Canada.



Feel free to contact us about philanthropic programs and registered charities that are seeking donations.

We are looking to donate products that support the Backroad Mapbooks mission of developing recreation in the community, preserving nature and helping any cause that benefits our communities.


Backroad Mapbooks is proud to sponsor a number of great events throughout Canada. From outdoor and adventure events to social media giveaways and more, we want to get involved.

If you share our love of the outdoors and adventure, or your event benefits our communities in any way, let us know!


Our Affiliate Program is managed through Avant Link affiliate program software. The easy-to-use platform allows you to earn revenue quickly and easily through your website, blog, or newsletter.

If you have a site that is up and running and focuses on outdoor recreation, lifestyle blogging or navigation then BRMB is a great fit for you!

Sponsorship Application